Land Development Code

Austin’s Land Development Code (LDC) Rewrite
The rewrite, once dubbed Code NEXT has returned, and on an accelerated timeline. The goal is to expand housing opportunities and affordability by increasing density, limiting the impact of compatibility standards, and eliminating parking requirements. Hyde Park will be significantly impacted.

Top Items

Resources and links with more information

City of Austin

Hyde Park

  • October 2019 HPNA Meeting MaterialsAt the October 7th HPNA meeting, we discussed the draft LDC and its implications for Hyde Park. Included below are materials from the meeting as well as relevant sections of the code and what this might look like in our neighborhood.

  • October 15, 2019 Joint Neighborhood Meeting with Mayor Adler
    View the Q&A about the draft LDC with residents of Hyde Park, Heritage, Hancock, North University, North Loop and Ridgetop at

Citywide Materials

Hyde Park Specific Materials

What these might look like

City Contacts

See also:

  • TKTK