Hyde Park Contact Team
A neighborhood plan contact team (NPCT) is a group of individuals who act as the stewards or advocates of their adopted neighborhood plan.
They work with city staff to implement the plan recommendations, review and initiate plan amendments, serve as community points of contact, and work on behalf of other neighborhood stakeholders. A contact team is a separate organization from a neighborhood association, and independent of the Hyde Park Neighborhood Association.
Learn more about how the city works with local contact teams (PDF) throughout the city, and visit the city’s Neighborhood Plans and Resources for additional information.
The Hyde Park Neighborhood Plan Contact Team (HPNPCT) is open to anyone who rents property in Hyde Park, owns property in Hyde Park, or owns a business in Hyde Park. The mandate of the HPNPCT is to work on behalf of all stakeholders in the Hyde Park neighborhood planning area. All interested renters, owners, and business owners are invited to attend and join.
Contact Team Resources
Email Address: HPContactTeam@gmail.com
Community Registry page: http://www.ci.austin.tx.us/neighbor/assocdetail.cfm?tblAssociationName__PlanningId=1254
Source: Hyde Park Contact Team (Fall, 2015)